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Welcome to the Empowerment Systems and Empowerment For Life Foundation (ELF) donation page.

*Please note that a donation to the Empowerment For Life Foundation is not a donation to Empowerment Systems and vice-versa. We are two separate entities under the same roof. As the donor, you are responsible for ensuring your donation/ investment is given to the correct entity. 

Donations/Investments made to Empowerment Systems may be allocated to the following programs:

General Empowerment Systems Operating Fund

Community Outreach Resource Center

The Empowerment Learning Collaborative 

Mental Health First Aid Initiative

EIN: 86-0664708 (501c3 letter made available upon request)

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Empowerment For Life Foundation

Donations/Investments made to ELF may be allocated to the following programs:

  • Annual Turkey/Ham Drive

  • Homelessness Work (ID vouchers, laundry cards, agency referrals, etc.)

  • Assistance for low-income (Qualifying) individuals/families

EIN: 61-1644782 (501c3 letter made available upon request)

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Should you have any questions regarding donations/ investments contact us:

Phone: (480) 367-6937
